Credit for Prior Learning
Start anywhere, finish here!
Great Bay Community College may award credit for current students who have potentially acquired learning outside of the traditional academic learning environment.
This learning may include industry certifications, work experience, employer training programs, independent study, non-credit courses, volunteer or community service, or non-college courses or seminars.
The Credit for Prior Learning Assessment funnel illustrates how Credit for Prior Learning will be assessed from the top level (Level 1) to the bottom (Level 3).
Students must exhaust all options starting at Level 1 before moving on to the next level.

Current students enrolled at GBCC are eligible for Credit for Prior Learning.
Level 1
Transfer Credit
Credits for college courses taken at another accredited institution or System College and earned a “C” or higher. Courses successfully completed before admission will be considered for transfer.
Current students wondering how their credit will transfer into GBCC should contact with their college transcripts, and the program they are interested in for an unofficial credit transfer evaluation.
Students who have sent their official college transcripts in will have a transfer credit evaluation completed before their initial student advising appointment by a GBCC Academic Advisor.
Level 2 (A)
More information is available in our College Catalog. Select the option that is most relevant to your experience:
College credit may be granted to students with military training, experience or coursework recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE) based on the program they are entering.
The College recognizes the College Board Advanced Placement Examination Program to evaluate student eligibility for advanced placement. Matriculated students who have participated in the AP Program and been admitted to the College should have official AP grade reports forwarded directly to the College Admissions Office. Upon receipt of students’ AP reports, the advising center will assess the grades and evaluate them for transfer credit. The minimum score to receive credit varies from 3 to 5. No credit is awarded on any AP exam score of less than 3.
AP Exam | Min. AP Score | GBCC Course | GBCC Course Name | GBCC Credits |
Studio Art: Drawing | 3+ | ARTS123G | Drawing I | 3.00 |
Chemistry | 3 | CHEM115G | General Chemistry I | 4.00 |
Chemistry | 4+ | CHEM115G and CHEM116G | General Chemistry I AND General Chemistry II | 8.00 |
Comp Sci A | 4+ | CIS112G | Intro to Object-Oriented Programming | 3.00 |
Macroeconomics | 3+ | ECO234G | Macroeconomics | 3.00 |
Microeconomics | 3+ | ECON235G | Microeconomics | 3.00 |
English | 3+ | ENGL110G | College Composition I | 4.00 |
World History | 3+ | HIST130G | Western Civ II | 3.00 |
US History | 3 or 4 | HISTXXXG | History Elective or Social Science Elective | 3.00 |
US History | 5 | HIST202G AND HIST204G | US History through 1870 AND through Present | 6.00 |
History of Art | 3+ | HUMA117G | Art History I | 3.00 |
Biology | 4+ | LSCIXXXG | Lab Sci Elective | 4.00 |
Statistics | 4+ | MATH225G | Probability & Statistics | 4.00 |
Calculus AB | 3+ | MATH230G | Calculus I | 4.00 |
Calculus BC | 4+ | MATH230G AND MATH250G | Calculus I AND Calculus II | 8.00 |
Environmental Science | 3+ | NATR100G | Natural Resources Stewardship | 4.00 |
Studio Art: 2-D or 3-D Design | 3+ | ARTSXXXG | Fine Arts Elective or Humanities Elective | 3.00 |
Physics I | 3+ | PHYS135G | College Physics I | 4.00 |
Physics 2 | 3+ | PHYS136G | College Physics II | 4.00 |
Physics C (Mechanics) | 3+ | PHYS290G | University Physics I | 4.00 |
Physics C (Elec & Magnetism) | 3+ | PHYS295G | University Physics II | 4.00 |
Government & Politics: US | 4+ | POLS110G | American Govt | 3.00 |
Government & Politics: Comparative | 4+ | POLS210G | Intro to Political Science | 3.00 |
Psychology | 4+ | PSYC110G | Intro to Psychology | 3.00 |
Students may challenge a course by requesting and completing an examination or evaluation that covers the instructional material of the course. If successful, the appropriate credits earned are applied to the students’ programs but may not be transferable to another college. Not all programs provide the CBE option. A fee of $25.00 per credit, plus all direct costs associated with providing a laboratory portion of an exam, will be charged to a student wishing to receive credit by examination.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program) is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program in the United States, with more than 2,900 college and universities awarding credit for satisfactory scores on CLEP exams. Since 1967, five million people — adults returning to college, graduating high school seniors, and enrolled students — have earned college credit through CLEP.
Students with previous academic experiences in specific subject areas may choose to earn credits by taking a nationally standardized exam known as CLEP (College Level Examination Program). Great Bay Community College (GBCC) is an approved testing site for CLEP, providing examinations in the areas of Composition and Literature, Foreign Languages, Social Sciences and History and Science and Mathematics.
Successful completion of a CLEP exam is treated as a transfer credit. Students will need to request that a copy of their scores be sent to GBCC for review. This request is made to College Board online at time of registration. Acceptance of CLEP exams for transfer credits will be based on the following criteria:
- The student has earned a passing score as defined by The College Board and GBCC.
- The student has been accepted into a program.
- There is a course within the student’s program of study that is equivalent to the CLEP exam.
Although CLEP credits count towards graduation, CLEP scores are not calculated into a student’s GPA or in any way interpreted as a grade. Additionally, CLEP credits may not be applied towards GBCC’s twenty-five percent residency requirement (see College Catalog). Students may not transfer CLEP credits for a course they have successfully completed or for a course that is more advanced than the subject of the exam. Any student who fails a GBCC course and wishes to take a CLEP exam for credit in lieu of retaking the course must realize that the original grade received will remain on their transcript and will be counted in the GPA. The CLEP exam score does not replace a grade for a GBCC course. Students should speak with their academic advisor if they have questions regarding this process.
CLEP exams are administered on a computer (CLEP CBT) through the Center for Academic Planning and Support.
For further information, contact CAPS, at: (603) 427-7621.
There are 34 CLEP examinations, organized within five major categories: Composition and Literature, Science and Mathematics, Foreign Languages, History and Social Sciences, and Business. These examinations represent courses typical of the first two years of college study. They require college-level knowledge and critical thinking ability; sufficient preparation is required to do well.
A complete list of the CLEP exams accepted for credit by GBCC, along with corresponding course names and credits, is available in the table below.
CLEP Exam | Passing Score | Equivalent GBCC Course(s) | Number of Credits |
American Literature w/essay* | 50 | ENGL 209 or 220, English or Humanities elective | 3 |
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature w/ essay* | 50 | ENGL 117, English or Humanities elective | 3 |
College Composition | 50 | ENGL 110 | 4 |
English Literature w/ essay* | 50 | English or Humanities elective | 3 |
French Language: Level I | 50 | Language elective | 4 |
Spanish Language: Level I | 50 | Language elective | 4 |
American Government | 50 | POL110 or Social Science elective | 3 |
History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 | 50 | HIST 202 or Social Science elective | 3 |
History of the United States II: 1865 to the present. | 50 | HIST 204 or Social Science elective | 3 |
Human Growth and Development | 50 | PSYC 210 or Social Science elective | 3 |
Psychology, Introduction | 50 | PSYC 110 or Social Science elective | 3 |
Sociology, Introduction | 50 | SOC110 or Social Science elective | 3 |
Humanities | 50 | Humanities elective | 3 |
Macroeconomics, Principles of | 50 | ECON 134 or Social Science elective | 3 |
Microeconomics, Principles of | 50 | ECON 135 or Social Science elective | 3 |
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 | 50 | HIST 120** , Social Science or Humanities elective | 3 |
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present | 50 | HIST 130**, Social Science or Humanities elective | 3 |
Biology | 50 | Science (non-lab) or LA elective | 3 |
Chemistry | 50 | Science (non-lab) or LA elective | 3 |
Natural Sciences | 50 | Science (non-lab) or LA elective | 3 |
Mathematics, College | 50 | MATH 145 | 4 |
Algebra, College | 50 | MATH 150 | 3 |
Pre-Calculus | 50 | MATH 210 | 3 |
Calculus | 50 | MATH 230 | 4 |
Financial Accounting | 65 | ACCT 113 and ACCT 123 | 6 |
Management, Principles of | 50 | BUS 114 | 3 |
Business Law | 50 | BUS 211 | 3 |
Marketing, Principles of | 50 | MKTG 125 | 3 |
Information Systems and Computer Applications | 50 | CIS 111 | 3 |
*These exams require an optional essay. The cost for the essay is $10, payable at the time of the exam. **HIST 120 is through 1500 CE and HIST 130 is 1500 CE to present. |
All CLEP exams offered through Great Bay are computerized (CLEP iBT). Each exam is 90 minutes in length and contains multiple choice or fill-in questions. The exception is English Composition with Essay in which 45 minutes is devoted to multiple choice and 45 minutes is devoted to composition.
Each exam is preceded by a tutorial that explains how to take the exam on the computer. This tutorial may be downloaded from the official CLEP site. CLEP iBT provides instant score results to test-takers, so you will know the day of the test how you performed.
There are some exams in which an optional essay exists. You will need to check with your institution to see if it requires an optional essay for the following exams: American Literature, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, English Literature, and Freshman College Composition. These essays are written by hand and scored by the institution that requires this option.
Prohibited Items
The following items may NOT be brought into the testing room:
- Calculators (a calculator function is built into the software for those tests that allow one).
- Calculator watches
- Dictionaries, books, pamphlets.
- Papers of any kind (except scratch paper provided by the Center).
- Slide rules, protractors, compasses, and rulers.
- Highlighter pens and/or colored pens and pencils.
- Alarm wristwatches.
- Cellular phones/pagers.
- Listening devices.
- Copying and photographic devices.
- Transmission or receiving data.
- Non-medical electronic devices (laptop, computers, digital assistants).
- Hats (unless worn as a religious requirement).
- Examinee-provided keyboards.
You may leave these items behind our front desk in the testing center, but we cannot always guarantee their safety. It is best to leave them at home or lock them in your car.
Scratch Paper
Examinees may only use CLEP authorized scratch paper. You will receive a packet of scratch paper when you are seated at your testing station. Should you need more, just let the Test Center Administrator (TCA) know and they will give you a new packet (the used packet will be collected at this time).
The following behaviors are considered misconduct:
- Giving or receiving assistance of any kind.
- Using any of the prohibited aids listed on the previous page.
- Attempting to take an examination for someone else.
- Failing to follow test regulations or the administrator’s instructions.
- Causing a disturbance of any kind.
- Removing or attempting to remove test questions and/or responses (in any format) or notes about the test from the testing room.
- Attempting to remove scratch paper from the testing room.
- Tampering with the operation of the computer or attempting to use it for any function other than taking the examination.
Upon discovery of the misconduct by the TCA, the examinee will be asked to stop and given a warning. Should the examinee choose to engage in the misconduct again, they will be dismissed from the testing center.
CLEP Retest Policy
The retest policy states that a candidate may not retake an exam of the same title within three months of the test date. If you violate the CLEP retest policy, the administration will be considered invalid, your score will be cancelled, and any test fees will be forfeited.
Testing accommodations can be made for persons with documented disabilities. In compliance with the ADA (American Disabilities Act), CLEP offers a variety of testing accommodations such as reader, amanuensis, sign language interpreter, and/or written script. Requests for accommodations, along with supporting documentation, must be submitted to the Accessibility Services Coordinator, Amanda Voce at Great Bay Community College. If you are requesting accommodations, please make the request two weeks in advance of your desired testing date.
There are two fees associated with the CLEP exam:
- An $93 exam fee is paid directly to College Board. The method of payment for College Board is credit card-only. American Express, Master Card, and VISA are accepted. Credit card numbers will be typed into the CLEP registration form and submitted over the computer. Go to the College Board CLEP website where you can create an account, register, and pay for the exam.
- If the individual taking the exam is not a Great Bay student, there is a testing fee of $30 which must be paid directly to the college at the time the test is scheduled. Active military may be able to waive this fee, as determined by DANTES eligibility.
CLEP exams are scheduled by appointment. Please call (603) 427-7621 to schedule a time.
Each exam is 90 minutes; add an additional 15 minutes for payment, registration, and test directions. Please know that you will need to stay for the entire test. Unless you have a documented disability that allows for scheduled breaks, or there is an emergency, you will be required to complete the entire exam without interruption. Should you need to take a break, the test can be stopped but the examination clock will continue to run.
A driver’s license or other state issued photo identification is required at check-in. Please have your printed registration ticket with you.
Additional information can be found on the CLEP program website.
Level 2 (B)
IRC (Industry Recognized Credential)
Industry Recognized Credential is an umbrella term for apprenticeships, badges, micro-credentials, certificates, certifications, degrees, diplomas, and licenses.
Level 3
Experiential Credit via Portfolio Review
Credit for prior learning allows students to demonstrate the knowledge they have gained through life experiences and apply it toward credit in some degree/certificate programs. To prepare for this option, students will develop a portfolio to be assessed by appropriate college personnel. A request for Experiential credit should be initiated with the chair or coordinator for the program in which the student wishes to receive course credit.
A student must matriculate at GBCC and exhaust all previous levels of CPL to be eligible to apply for experiential learning assessment credit.